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Herbst Briese Durin 



DOB: May 10, 2008


 NAVHDA NA: Prize I 112

OFA : Good

Weight: 60 lbs


Bo was my first pointing dog. He truly has an on/off switch. In the house he is mellow, polite, funny, and affectionate (by far the most affectionate dog we've ever been around). He is great with people, kids, and puppies. 


Bo is an extremely smart easy to train dog who loves to make me happy. Bo wants to be everyones buddy. When he was a young puppy I taught him how to shake, speak, and WHOA! with treats in one week. 


On the other hand, in the field Bo was immediately crazy for birds. At 12 weeks old he was pointing and retrieving shot birds. His first season (6 months old) was spent in Minnesota and South Dakota pheasant hunting. At a year and a half he was force fetched and handling sharptails in North Dakota like a pro. Later that year I broke him steady to shot and kill on wild quail in Kansas. He handled coveys and singles like an old pro. 


From there he has handled every kind of bird that we have hunted ranging from: quail in TX and KS, pheasants throughout the Midwest, sharptail, prairie chicken, and huns in the Dakotas and MT, and grouse and wood cock in MN. He also makes a great duck hunting partner! 


Bo has a huge nose and brains to hunt the cover correctly. He has amazing endurance and has helped fill my game bag and freezer year after year.  Bo can hunt closer in heavy cover if needed but prefers to be at a shooting/gun dog range. No matter what the cover he always stays in check.


Bo has set the bar extremely high. We are looking forwards to many Bo puppies in the future. Bo has sired several litters with puppies turning out to be great in the field and the house. 








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                                                                                                  view Bo's album




















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